2009년 11월 30일 월요일

I’m from the grand blue ocean

Somewhere middle of it

I don’t belong to one nation

No country that I would fit

I came from the Coral reefs

which i always wondered around

I'm from Vandorisom from cross the ocean

training down the road that goes forever

sometimes i had seen the leaves fallen

from there very own tree...

though they would travel around the land,

having wind the as a fine friend

I'm from nowhere

or I can't remember it.

But somewhere in my mind,

while searching though my memories

i remember some one.

feel warm when I imagine her.

2009년 11월 29일 일요일

in the forest...

in the forest there was a roar
it was the furious and calm roar
when you walk through the forest
you will find a small lake
where you can peacefully rest

2009년 11월 15일 일요일

connecting the pearl theme


While reading this paragraph, I could find the same idea that the story "The Pearl" gave us. As I know, I think the theme of the pearl was about 'greed' because Kino had started out finding the pearl in a way to heal Coyotito. however, later on Kino gets greedy with the pearl so he doesn't get satisfied with the pearl cost even though that it was enough to cure Coyotito and later on he kills a person. In this article also shows us about how poor people react to greed and what happens because of it.

2009년 11월 8일 일요일

Reflection on 'The Pearl'

The very first page of this book has the phase that says: "If this story is a parable, perhaps everyone takes his own meaning from...". It means that every different person takes the story different and everyone learns different lessons from the story. In my cases, I think that the lesson of this story is that 'It doesn't mean that your happy if you have money.' In this story, Kino's family is normal family or a person. On the other hand, the pearl symbolize the money and the pearl buyers are the society. So if you have a huge amount of money you most likely to be the target.

2009년 10월 28일 수요일

guess my tone

Dan was pissed off. His sister was crying. Just crying there, ignoring what ever other people said. He hated it.
"Why does any one care about her? I'm feeling bad too! I'm the one who was more shocked then her. she was the one who started! I don't know why I'm in this situation. How come every body ask here about what happened? she would tell them a stupid lie that only adults will be fooled."
Dan was grounded in his room just waiting his mom to come and yell at him. He knew it. It had happened before, and every time he was in this situation he was thinking of a reason why he has to be grained because he said a bad word to her sister.

2009년 10월 26일 월요일

Guess the Mood

first of all, think about a 'friend' that you are not that friendly and he his very active or to
active that he says some word that doesn't mean what its meant to be or when they do
something weird like eating a vinegar with out any thing. when they do this, you would
probably feel like this.

2009년 10월 19일 월요일

Michael Jackson - Happy

adness had been close as my next of kin
Then happy came one day, chased my blues away
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet, like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was

Happy, thats you
You made my life brand new
Lost as a little lam was I till you came in
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet, like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was
(till now)

Where have I been?
What lifetime was I in?
Suspended between time and space
Lonely until happy came smiling up at me
Sadness had no choice but to flee
I said a prayer so silently
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was till now

2009년 10월 14일 수요일

I would get...

1. i think will feel that i deserve it. you know that luck is what God plans. so i think i deceive it. to conclude i would be surprises of it because I'm cool. ^&^
2. I thank good for giving this opportunity to me. i thank my mom for giving me my money. but I'm a little bit scared that I stood against the law.
3. I would first by my Parents a house.
Because my parents always wanted to by a house with a swimming pool, garden and a guest house in it.
then i will by a Ipod Classic 7th generation.
with out lying, i have 152.48MG bytes of songs in my Macbook and Pc.
then i will pay my school money by my self.
My mom and dad was hard because the school money was to expensive.
I will give half of the left over to my parents.
my mom gave me the money to buy it.
I will save the rest.
hehe. ^0^

2009년 9월 27일 일요일

Clue 5

Who is Effie waiting for?

Effie is waiting for ‘HIM’ who I’m not sure if ‘HIM’ is a human being. I think that he is some kind of god or dead person’s soul. You know that when Nail came in to his house in a rainy day? I think this means that he could come in any form or ways. He comes in a rainy day, which makes ‘HIM’ like gloomy sad looking kind of person. By the thunder makes ‘HIM’ more mysterious. And the music makes ‘HIM’ much more scarier.

This story contains a lot of Christ imagery. Write down three separate sentences from the story that might symbolize Jesus and explain why Timothy Findley might have written these into his story.

“’On a cloud,’ she whispered. ‘A Big black cloud. That’s true,’”

God is mighty that he can do something that human think that will be impossible. When I read about Paul, the very first time he met Jesus he came down from no ware, which we think it’s impossible.

“’Besides, it’s not jus me he’s after.’”

Jesus is not trying to it only my self but also other people. God had sent him with a mission to save anyone who believes in God from Satan and his temptation. However in this story Effie symbolize human and ‘HIM’ symbolize God.

“’Thunder and lightning and music’”

I think thunder represents his strength and lightning also. Music symbolizes about our praises.

Can non-Christian authors reveal truth about God’s world?

Yes they can but not in a direct way. For example this story, Timothy is not a Christian believer. However he has this mighty and powerful which symbolizes God. Whether he wanted to or not. And we all have the basic knowledge about who God is so they could use it too.

Clue 4

1. What specific clues can setting reveal about the theme of a short story?
By having to know the clue of a story’s setting is a big difference. By knowing the setting of the story, you can think about there characteristic of the main character and the culture of the background. As I mentioned on clue 3 to find out the theme of a story you have to know the main character and the background also. For example the background of ‘When my name was Keoko’ is Japanese Occupation and that helped me that the theme of the story.
2. How does an author drop clues about characters and how their actions lead you to the theme of a story?
Authors normally give most of the characters’ clues in front of the story. They start out the story with the main character’s thought then talks about the character next. The direct characteristics are normally shown on character’s conversations. Indirect characteristics are not actually spoken but by the characters’ tone of voice and his actions in the story. As example in Keoko, Uncle’s direct characteristics are young adult, smart looking and have short hairs. Then his indirect characteristics are active, justice, and brave.
3. What is the strongest setting you have ever encountered in your whole life? Describe this place and ponder if God revealed anything about himself or His truth in this place.
The setting in Genesis that God made the universe was the strongest setting I have ever faced. He have cleared himself that himself had made the universe and our very own body one by one. This setting had made me inspired that I will become a Christian or at less tried to be a Christian. Not only in bible but in this SEW, I could encounter this same idea for the speaker’s ppt.
“This Universe is to good to be just made by accident.”
This one sentence, the very moment, I could again face the gratefulness of God.

clue 3

1 How can you figure out a theme in a short story?
There are four method of finding the theme of a story. To estimate the theme, or to get a basic theme of the story look at the title. I will give example about ‘Three Little Pigs’. You can find out that this story is going to be about three little pigs. To find a more advanced theme of the story, then look at the main character. You look at the three pigs, which is the main character; we know that this story will be about pigs. You can look at the climax to find out the theme. Also you can look at the resolution to find it out.
2 What is the theme of "The Utterly Perfect Murder" and how does this theme relate to your own life.
I think the theme of “The Utterly Perfect Murder” is ‘Even though you get mad at your young friend, it’s only a memory.” The reason is, that at first he gets mad at Ralph but he gets satisfy at what Ralph looks like after 16 years. As I remember, I had met a bully that had almost eleven thousand won. We were also friends, too. However, I was mad at him most of the time. So one day, I decided to go the teacher and tell her all the truth. But right before I went to my teacher’s lounge I saw him. The very kid, who had went to a different school, he was just there. Standing in front of the teacher, staring at her. Then I realized that my BEST friend, who knew that I was getting bullied. So he told the teacher for me. However, I never met him again.
3 How is a moral of a story different form a theme?
Theme: The main Idea and the massage of a story.
Moral: the Idea what you can learn from the story.
4. Read John 3:16. Is this a theme statement for God’s story? How does this relate to the truth you might find in literature?
Yes this is the theme of the story of God. As you know, bible is about God story. In this story, all it says is that he loves all people in the world that he wouldn’t let the Satan rule us. He will save anyone who believes in him. That’s why he had made the ten commandments for people to be his people and be saved.

2009년 9월 6일 일요일

clue #6

1) Define a metaphor and a simile.

Simile: Composition and uses like or as
Metaphor: Composition but does not use like or as

1. Why do authors use figurative language?

Authors use figurative language to make the readers get the most similar feeling to the person in the story. Also they use figurative language for clear understanding of the character or a property. Like when you don't understand words then you give an easier word that describes the word. For example, in bible they use figurative language, which is simile, that Jesus as a shepherd that kept us from going in to danger. You know that Jesus is actually part of God. They both have the similarity of that they keep us from getting into danger. But some times we use them to make the next event much more interesting.

2. List 3 metaphors that you think are really beautiful or interesting

My kindness is pure as a unpolluted snow.
You’re strong as a mad bull.
I will do anything for you because your my lovely flower

3. Find a metaphor for Jesus in the Bible and list the Bible verse.

(Matthew 13:3) sower
(Luke 15:4)Shepherd
(Revelation 22:13) Alpha and Omega

4. What does this metaphor reveal abut God's world and your understanding of it??

I think these verses were the most influenced verses of believing in God’s words and his world. He was our shepherd by protecting us from dangers like Satan and his temptation. However not only just protecting us, he loves us all individually by listening to us, and does his best to help us (which mostly happens if the asking is not foolish). He tell us about how his word are important. He talks about him self being the son of God and sent here to save us from getting in to more trouble. He says himself that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the start and the end, the first and the last one to be.

2009년 9월 2일 수요일

I Look like..

I am big like a Jupiter.
I am sleep like a sloth.
I like Detective comic book that i can take it up to haven.
I'm proud of my self like I'm a prince.
I'm good at getting friends that i could get Barrack Obama as my friend.
I'm so quiet that I can get around like a ninja
I'm good at Korean that I can be a president.
I'm good at hacking that I can go in to Mrs.Lillo's quick grade and change every body's grade.
I'm crazy loud when every I want.
I'm good at singing that i can crush Austin.

clue 1

1. In your own words, please summarize what reader response analysis is, and what
steps are involved.

reader response is a writing that readers had made connection. it could be to there own story, other book, to other countries' history, or person near you. then you analysis the response. so the writing has be still based on the main idea then put in the connection next to it. it have to be like the main idea and write the responsewrite like what we did several class before which was making connection between marigold and your own story. but we've only did with your personal connection so i will give an example for each connection. first the part that Lizabeth's father cries, i thought that it kind of connects to IMF in Korea. then i could also find the similar story with the book 'When my name was Keoko' that korean people were tring burn the Japanese flag i could find the similarity.

2. How can Reader Reponse open our eyes to more truth as we read?

Sometimes after reading a story like Harry Potter or famous story i read some of oher people's response. the reason is that you can find out other connections that you couldn't find. Finding out other connections are important because you can get in to the story more easily and help you anlysis the story. like you often share your work in class so you can rivise your work and edit your work. by looking at the connection you can understand the compared part much more better thereason is that it ANALYSIS the story. so for example the part in Marigold Joey and Lizabeth goes and play a lot at the startitng of the vacation then they get bored. when i was a little boy around first grade i use to play like crazy then get bored of playing then study for a day or two then play again.

3. Why is it important for you to interact/ connect with literature?

Connecting with literature can help you cheak if you understood the story so your ready for several project or quiz. but also can help you with summery because you normally read though the story again and again. On the other hand it can also help your reading skills to because you might not enjoy reading stories if you think as an requirment. However if you think as a free reading and just making the connection you will not just enjoy the story but also understand the story better. As an example that couldn't read fast and not able to understand the story even though you spend tones of ours. My tutor teacher which had mostly improved my reading had told me the use the connection with the connection so you can understand the story and summerize it more faster but also to help me understand the story better.

4. reflect on a book or story you have read recently and what new truth about the world you learned form the narrative.

I've read Prince Caspian and found out that 'When people grow up and lose our imagination'. the last part of the story Aslan says that Peter and Susan won't be able to come back to Narnia because they are to old and know becoming more like adults. they didn't explain why they weren't allowed to go back to Narnia. However i thought that they weren't allowed to go back becasue they've lost there imagination. i could find out the same problem in our own life. for example my mom wanted to be an artist but she had to change her dream because of the amount of money she needed, the fact that she didnt have enough time to work on it.

2009년 8월 31일 월요일

1. Blog: What do you think “The Utterly Perfect Murder” will be about?

A logical novel that something to do with dictactive. there was a murder case that you couldn't find any clue or evidence.

2. Describe a time that you wanted revenge on someone.

some one had tackled me while i was reading my book. because of it i had to replace the ripped book and i had to be grounded for four month.

Did you act upon that desire? If so, how did you feel after? (title: your choice; label: QW)

2009년 8월 30일 일요일

clue #2

Stories should be structured for many reasons. However I thought the biggest reason that stories should be structured because of the fluency of the story. The first step of getting a good story is to have a good fluency of story and structuring the story will be the key of good fluency. When you write a story by yourself structuring your story will help you write your story fluently. For an exemplar, your writing Three little pigs (if it hasn’t published), and you have all this pieces of stories that your planning to write. If you put the part about wolf blowing the third pig at the very beginning you wouldn’t understand why the wolf blew the brick house, right? This is when you need the structuring diagram, or called plot diagram, like the upper one. You put all your piece of stories in the diagram and read it. If it is flounce then you write it properly, and if not, change the part you think you got it wrong. This way you can fix your story much easily and accurately.

I don’t know the difference between before and after. When I first read ‘Marigold’, I had already looked at the diagram and figured the story out by looking at the plot diagram. The reason was that my tutor, who I had studied with him, threw out all vacation and still working with, had thought me about this and always made me look at the plot diagram before I read any story. However, when I think about it I would had all the difficulty I had while reading a story. I couldn’t get what they were saying about in the first part, where Lizabeth talks about here home town and what memories she had with marigold. In addition I could had ignored the part when Lizabeth’s father cries, which is the reason that she destroyed the marigolds in Miss. Lottie’s garden. But also looking at plot diagram, it helps you cut the stories and understand the part then go to the next part and the next part. It helped me summarize the story faster and much clearer.

“Miss Lottie died long ago … For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that one’s life is barren as the dusty yards of one’s town.” –Part of ‘Marigold-
I think this part that tells us about what the theme is. Themes or metaphors they normally come out briefly in the very beginning and get out clearly at the end. The reason is simple. Think about it. Your reading a story and the theme or the main idea comes out in the middle of it you wouldn’t be able to label the idea. On the other hand, if you have it at the very front you would be able to label it but you will feel like your spoiled or kind of feeling. However if you don’t now the main idea a little bit, you would feel the opposite so you wouldn’t be able to get in to the story and try to find out the topic

Clue 2

Stories should be structured for many reasons. However I thought the biggest reason that stories should be structured because of the fluency of the story. The first step of getting a good story is to have a good fluency of story and structuring the story will be the key of good fluency. When you write a story by yourself structuring your story will help you write your story fluently. For an exemplar, your writing ‘Three little pigs ‘(if it hasn’t published), and you have all this pieces of stories that you’re planning to write. If you put the part about wolf blowing the third pig at the very beginning you wouldn’t understand why the wolf blew the brick house, right? This is when you need the structuring diagram, or called plot diagram, like the upper one. You put all your piece of stories in the diagram and read it. If it is flounce then you write it properly, and if not, change the part you think you got it wrong. This way you can fix your story much easily and accurately.

I don’t know the difference between before and after. When I first read ‘Marigold’, I had already looked at the diagram and figured the story out by looking at the plot diagram. The reason was that my tutor, who I had studied with him, threw out all vacation and still working with, had thought me about this and always made me look at the plot diagram before I read any story. However, when I think about it I would have all the difficulty I had while reading a story. I couldn’t get what they were saying about in the first part, where Lizabeth talks about here home town and what memories she had with marigold. In addition I could had ignored the part when Lizabeth’s father cries, which is the reason that she destroyed the marigolds in Miss. Lottie’s garden. But also looking at plot diagram, it helps you cut the stories and understand the part then go to the next part and the next part. It helped me summarize the story faster and much clearer.

“Miss Lottie died long ago … For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that one’s life is barren as the dusty yards of one’s town.” –Part of ‘Marigold-

I think this part that tells us about what the theme is. Themes or metaphors they normally come out briefly in the very beginning and get out clearly at the end. The reason is simple. Think about it. Your reading a story and the theme or the main idea comes out in the middle of it you wouldn’t be able to label the idea. On the other hand, if you have it at the very front you would be able to label it but you will feel like your spoiled or kind of feeling. However if you don’t now the main idea a little bit, you would feel the opposite so you wouldn’t be able to get in to the story and try to find out the topic.

2009년 8월 24일 월요일

1st connection.

the part they wait for a miracle to happen, i had felt the same way to go to a higher place, better job that your can get enough money to live, which for now it's study, sometimes i wish a miricle like God comes up to me and show me the future or miricle or like good grades.

2nd connection

when Joey and Lizabeth goes to Miss Lottie's house and finds something to play i found my self in one of the kids following Joey because when we were young. there weren't much things to play with so we often play soccer or base ball in front of grumpy grandpa and run away when we break the window.

3rd connection

i think most of the people have atleast heard about the whitch or monster stories. No one knows who started and it ends so mistiriously.

4th connetion

when i was in New Zealand there was a wall in front of our house that was blackish gray and had a white rose bush. it was strange when i first looked but when i think about it know i think that rose has it's own story like marigold had some sort of story of Miss. Lottie.

5th connection
i have seen my dad cry when i was very ill so i had to stay at home for almost one month. and the other one is that when my mom was ill after having my sister.

PS: sorry i only had five. I will edit when i find more.
Exposition: "NO! I've done it once before and I'm not doing it! Did you UNDERSTOOD?" I've said in a mad voice. Mom said,
“We’ve been there last trip David.”
“I have to take the photo of the new plants.”

Rising action
The whole conversation had started if we are going to national garden or going to Yong-Muri (Dragon’s Head) beach. However as always I win she loses. That was the biggest mistake that I made in Je-Ju Island.
‘Ok. For my scraping I need some photos.’
I was planning to make my Journal on this place because they said they’ve re-modeled.
“It hasn’t changed a lot, has it?”
As we went in I got one of the profiles of this national garden.
They had to make the whole place warm so the plants could grow well as a result it was very scorching inside the place.
“It hasn’t changed too much at all, after all those ‘REMODELING’?”
Fina, which is my sister said.
“Yeah, it’s similar to last time.”
Mom said. I was about to say the same thing. There wasn’t any extra room made or the shape of the out door gardens changed. It was good to see all those stuffs that reminded me of our last trip. Other than, I think all of our family had the same word in our mind, which is ‘Boring’.
We came out of the garden with no excitement. Mom was unsatisfied of not going to the beach, Fina was just tired of walking around those places. It wasn’t that I wasn’t pleased with the garden. I was upset. Very upset. I thought they would have bigger plants like Rafflesia or Redwood tree.

“You was the one that wanted to go to the garden.”
Fina said madly.
“O’ yeah? Wasn’t you that the one who was playing crazy in the water fountain?”
I shouted back.
“You to stop right now.”
We were sent to our room and wasn’t allow to come out. All night I was made at my sister, which is funny if I think about it now. We both never knew that mom had an excellent plan for us to come together again.
Next morning me and my sister were still mad at each other, haven’t talked as possible we could. However strangely mom hasn’t made us talk. I felt kind of strange. Our normal plane was based on Fina’s idea for that day. I was still angry at here so I’ve said,
“Let’s see what a baby made a plan for us?”
Fina was about to shout back at me than.
“We have changed our plan.”
I thought that she was going to cancel the plan and stay home they we saw the word beach on our planning sheet.

Falling Action.
“David, Come over here! The water isn’t so deep.”
Fina Said.
“Come here first Fina! There are thousands of fish around me.”
“You don’t mean the small ‘Invisible’ fishes?”
“No! it’s a real big fish (well is just as my fingers)”
I said.
“So, how is your last beach for this summer?”
Mom said in a pleased smile.
We both said in satisfied voice.

So we came back to our sweet home and came back to our normal life, as a student, as an engineer, and as a carrier woman.

Between me and my sister ‘who was the one that had made our time in Jeju usless.

2009년 8월 16일 일요일

i feel cool in reading class

I like to read fantasies like 'Harry Potter', 'The Clonicles of Narnia', or 'Moon Pricess: the Secret of the Moon Acer'. i like them because i watched Harry Potter for a long time and most of all i like magics, talking animals, and dawfs. i realy enjoy reading them.

i have a habit that i read book right before i sleep or in bed. if i find any words that i don't know i ask people first before i look up the dictionaries. (that's why me and my mom fight while i study). but i'm getting to fix my habits but not perfectly.

i like movies, but i think they shouldn't film the books, because if you read the book you know all the story and you won't be interested in the movie. on the other hand if you haven't read the book, you wouldn't get the whole story because it's only a part of it.

the books i have read

2009년 8월 12일 수요일









What are my current reading skills?
How can I improve and grow as a reader?
I can improve my reading skills in many ways. first of all, lot's of reading amount is the most importat method to me. I normaly don't read much books and I think that is the main reason that I'm not fast at reading. Second of all, I have to understand what I'm reading. Sometimes i jump over what I don't understand.

What purpose can literature serve in my life?
Literature can help me comunicate and express my opinions. Until now I've used Drawings to show people what I'm saying but it takes too many time to do it. In my Both English and Writing class, I'm learning how to express my idea in literature and its going to help me a lot.

What resources can I find in the library that will help me in this course and other courses?
Reliable Sources. Specialy High School Libery, they have non-fiction books, which is books that are facts. Also the books will help my reading abilities, as I metioned.