2009년 9월 27일 일요일

Clue 4

1. What specific clues can setting reveal about the theme of a short story?
By having to know the clue of a story’s setting is a big difference. By knowing the setting of the story, you can think about there characteristic of the main character and the culture of the background. As I mentioned on clue 3 to find out the theme of a story you have to know the main character and the background also. For example the background of ‘When my name was Keoko’ is Japanese Occupation and that helped me that the theme of the story.
2. How does an author drop clues about characters and how their actions lead you to the theme of a story?
Authors normally give most of the characters’ clues in front of the story. They start out the story with the main character’s thought then talks about the character next. The direct characteristics are normally shown on character’s conversations. Indirect characteristics are not actually spoken but by the characters’ tone of voice and his actions in the story. As example in Keoko, Uncle’s direct characteristics are young adult, smart looking and have short hairs. Then his indirect characteristics are active, justice, and brave.
3. What is the strongest setting you have ever encountered in your whole life? Describe this place and ponder if God revealed anything about himself or His truth in this place.
The setting in Genesis that God made the universe was the strongest setting I have ever faced. He have cleared himself that himself had made the universe and our very own body one by one. This setting had made me inspired that I will become a Christian or at less tried to be a Christian. Not only in bible but in this SEW, I could encounter this same idea for the speaker’s ppt.
“This Universe is to good to be just made by accident.”
This one sentence, the very moment, I could again face the gratefulness of God.

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