2009년 8월 24일 월요일

1st connection.

the part they wait for a miracle to happen, i had felt the same way to go to a higher place, better job that your can get enough money to live, which for now it's study, sometimes i wish a miricle like God comes up to me and show me the future or miricle or like good grades.

2nd connection

when Joey and Lizabeth goes to Miss Lottie's house and finds something to play i found my self in one of the kids following Joey because when we were young. there weren't much things to play with so we often play soccer or base ball in front of grumpy grandpa and run away when we break the window.

3rd connection

i think most of the people have atleast heard about the whitch or monster stories. No one knows who started and it ends so mistiriously.

4th connetion

when i was in New Zealand there was a wall in front of our house that was blackish gray and had a white rose bush. it was strange when i first looked but when i think about it know i think that rose has it's own story like marigold had some sort of story of Miss. Lottie.

5th connection
i have seen my dad cry when i was very ill so i had to stay at home for almost one month. and the other one is that when my mom was ill after having my sister.

PS: sorry i only had five. I will edit when i find more.

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