2009년 9월 2일 수요일

clue 1

1. In your own words, please summarize what reader response analysis is, and what
steps are involved.

reader response is a writing that readers had made connection. it could be to there own story, other book, to other countries' history, or person near you. then you analysis the response. so the writing has be still based on the main idea then put in the connection next to it. it have to be like the main idea and write the responsewrite like what we did several class before which was making connection between marigold and your own story. but we've only did with your personal connection so i will give an example for each connection. first the part that Lizabeth's father cries, i thought that it kind of connects to IMF in Korea. then i could also find the similar story with the book 'When my name was Keoko' that korean people were tring burn the Japanese flag i could find the similarity.

2. How can Reader Reponse open our eyes to more truth as we read?

Sometimes after reading a story like Harry Potter or famous story i read some of oher people's response. the reason is that you can find out other connections that you couldn't find. Finding out other connections are important because you can get in to the story more easily and help you anlysis the story. like you often share your work in class so you can rivise your work and edit your work. by looking at the connection you can understand the compared part much more better thereason is that it ANALYSIS the story. so for example the part in Marigold Joey and Lizabeth goes and play a lot at the startitng of the vacation then they get bored. when i was a little boy around first grade i use to play like crazy then get bored of playing then study for a day or two then play again.

3. Why is it important for you to interact/ connect with literature?

Connecting with literature can help you cheak if you understood the story so your ready for several project or quiz. but also can help you with summery because you normally read though the story again and again. On the other hand it can also help your reading skills to because you might not enjoy reading stories if you think as an requirment. However if you think as a free reading and just making the connection you will not just enjoy the story but also understand the story better. As an example that couldn't read fast and not able to understand the story even though you spend tones of ours. My tutor teacher which had mostly improved my reading had told me the use the connection with the connection so you can understand the story and summerize it more faster but also to help me understand the story better.

4. reflect on a book or story you have read recently and what new truth about the world you learned form the narrative.

I've read Prince Caspian and found out that 'When people grow up and lose our imagination'. the last part of the story Aslan says that Peter and Susan won't be able to come back to Narnia because they are to old and know becoming more like adults. they didn't explain why they weren't allowed to go back to Narnia. However i thought that they weren't allowed to go back becasue they've lost there imagination. i could find out the same problem in our own life. for example my mom wanted to be an artist but she had to change her dream because of the amount of money she needed, the fact that she didnt have enough time to work on it.

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