2009년 8월 31일 월요일

1. Blog: What do you think “The Utterly Perfect Murder” will be about?

A logical novel that something to do with dictactive. there was a murder case that you couldn't find any clue or evidence.

2. Describe a time that you wanted revenge on someone.

some one had tackled me while i was reading my book. because of it i had to replace the ripped book and i had to be grounded for four month.

Did you act upon that desire? If so, how did you feel after? (title: your choice; label: QW)

2009년 8월 30일 일요일

clue #2

Stories should be structured for many reasons. However I thought the biggest reason that stories should be structured because of the fluency of the story. The first step of getting a good story is to have a good fluency of story and structuring the story will be the key of good fluency. When you write a story by yourself structuring your story will help you write your story fluently. For an exemplar, your writing Three little pigs (if it hasn’t published), and you have all this pieces of stories that your planning to write. If you put the part about wolf blowing the third pig at the very beginning you wouldn’t understand why the wolf blew the brick house, right? This is when you need the structuring diagram, or called plot diagram, like the upper one. You put all your piece of stories in the diagram and read it. If it is flounce then you write it properly, and if not, change the part you think you got it wrong. This way you can fix your story much easily and accurately.

I don’t know the difference between before and after. When I first read ‘Marigold’, I had already looked at the diagram and figured the story out by looking at the plot diagram. The reason was that my tutor, who I had studied with him, threw out all vacation and still working with, had thought me about this and always made me look at the plot diagram before I read any story. However, when I think about it I would had all the difficulty I had while reading a story. I couldn’t get what they were saying about in the first part, where Lizabeth talks about here home town and what memories she had with marigold. In addition I could had ignored the part when Lizabeth’s father cries, which is the reason that she destroyed the marigolds in Miss. Lottie’s garden. But also looking at plot diagram, it helps you cut the stories and understand the part then go to the next part and the next part. It helped me summarize the story faster and much clearer.

“Miss Lottie died long ago … For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that one’s life is barren as the dusty yards of one’s town.” –Part of ‘Marigold-
I think this part that tells us about what the theme is. Themes or metaphors they normally come out briefly in the very beginning and get out clearly at the end. The reason is simple. Think about it. Your reading a story and the theme or the main idea comes out in the middle of it you wouldn’t be able to label the idea. On the other hand, if you have it at the very front you would be able to label it but you will feel like your spoiled or kind of feeling. However if you don’t now the main idea a little bit, you would feel the opposite so you wouldn’t be able to get in to the story and try to find out the topic

Clue 2

Stories should be structured for many reasons. However I thought the biggest reason that stories should be structured because of the fluency of the story. The first step of getting a good story is to have a good fluency of story and structuring the story will be the key of good fluency. When you write a story by yourself structuring your story will help you write your story fluently. For an exemplar, your writing ‘Three little pigs ‘(if it hasn’t published), and you have all this pieces of stories that you’re planning to write. If you put the part about wolf blowing the third pig at the very beginning you wouldn’t understand why the wolf blew the brick house, right? This is when you need the structuring diagram, or called plot diagram, like the upper one. You put all your piece of stories in the diagram and read it. If it is flounce then you write it properly, and if not, change the part you think you got it wrong. This way you can fix your story much easily and accurately.

I don’t know the difference between before and after. When I first read ‘Marigold’, I had already looked at the diagram and figured the story out by looking at the plot diagram. The reason was that my tutor, who I had studied with him, threw out all vacation and still working with, had thought me about this and always made me look at the plot diagram before I read any story. However, when I think about it I would have all the difficulty I had while reading a story. I couldn’t get what they were saying about in the first part, where Lizabeth talks about here home town and what memories she had with marigold. In addition I could had ignored the part when Lizabeth’s father cries, which is the reason that she destroyed the marigolds in Miss. Lottie’s garden. But also looking at plot diagram, it helps you cut the stories and understand the part then go to the next part and the next part. It helped me summarize the story faster and much clearer.

“Miss Lottie died long ago … For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that one’s life is barren as the dusty yards of one’s town.” –Part of ‘Marigold-

I think this part that tells us about what the theme is. Themes or metaphors they normally come out briefly in the very beginning and get out clearly at the end. The reason is simple. Think about it. Your reading a story and the theme or the main idea comes out in the middle of it you wouldn’t be able to label the idea. On the other hand, if you have it at the very front you would be able to label it but you will feel like your spoiled or kind of feeling. However if you don’t now the main idea a little bit, you would feel the opposite so you wouldn’t be able to get in to the story and try to find out the topic.

2009년 8월 24일 월요일

1st connection.

the part they wait for a miracle to happen, i had felt the same way to go to a higher place, better job that your can get enough money to live, which for now it's study, sometimes i wish a miricle like God comes up to me and show me the future or miricle or like good grades.

2nd connection

when Joey and Lizabeth goes to Miss Lottie's house and finds something to play i found my self in one of the kids following Joey because when we were young. there weren't much things to play with so we often play soccer or base ball in front of grumpy grandpa and run away when we break the window.

3rd connection

i think most of the people have atleast heard about the whitch or monster stories. No one knows who started and it ends so mistiriously.

4th connetion

when i was in New Zealand there was a wall in front of our house that was blackish gray and had a white rose bush. it was strange when i first looked but when i think about it know i think that rose has it's own story like marigold had some sort of story of Miss. Lottie.

5th connection
i have seen my dad cry when i was very ill so i had to stay at home for almost one month. and the other one is that when my mom was ill after having my sister.

PS: sorry i only had five. I will edit when i find more.
Exposition: "NO! I've done it once before and I'm not doing it! Did you UNDERSTOOD?" I've said in a mad voice. Mom said,
“We’ve been there last trip David.”
“I have to take the photo of the new plants.”

Rising action
The whole conversation had started if we are going to national garden or going to Yong-Muri (Dragon’s Head) beach. However as always I win she loses. That was the biggest mistake that I made in Je-Ju Island.
‘Ok. For my scraping I need some photos.’
I was planning to make my Journal on this place because they said they’ve re-modeled.
“It hasn’t changed a lot, has it?”
As we went in I got one of the profiles of this national garden.
They had to make the whole place warm so the plants could grow well as a result it was very scorching inside the place.
“It hasn’t changed too much at all, after all those ‘REMODELING’?”
Fina, which is my sister said.
“Yeah, it’s similar to last time.”
Mom said. I was about to say the same thing. There wasn’t any extra room made or the shape of the out door gardens changed. It was good to see all those stuffs that reminded me of our last trip. Other than, I think all of our family had the same word in our mind, which is ‘Boring’.
We came out of the garden with no excitement. Mom was unsatisfied of not going to the beach, Fina was just tired of walking around those places. It wasn’t that I wasn’t pleased with the garden. I was upset. Very upset. I thought they would have bigger plants like Rafflesia or Redwood tree.

“You was the one that wanted to go to the garden.”
Fina said madly.
“O’ yeah? Wasn’t you that the one who was playing crazy in the water fountain?”
I shouted back.
“You to stop right now.”
We were sent to our room and wasn’t allow to come out. All night I was made at my sister, which is funny if I think about it now. We both never knew that mom had an excellent plan for us to come together again.
Next morning me and my sister were still mad at each other, haven’t talked as possible we could. However strangely mom hasn’t made us talk. I felt kind of strange. Our normal plane was based on Fina’s idea for that day. I was still angry at here so I’ve said,
“Let’s see what a baby made a plan for us?”
Fina was about to shout back at me than.
“We have changed our plan.”
I thought that she was going to cancel the plan and stay home they we saw the word beach on our planning sheet.

Falling Action.
“David, Come over here! The water isn’t so deep.”
Fina Said.
“Come here first Fina! There are thousands of fish around me.”
“You don’t mean the small ‘Invisible’ fishes?”
“No! it’s a real big fish (well is just as my fingers)”
I said.
“So, how is your last beach for this summer?”
Mom said in a pleased smile.
We both said in satisfied voice.

So we came back to our sweet home and came back to our normal life, as a student, as an engineer, and as a carrier woman.

Between me and my sister ‘who was the one that had made our time in Jeju usless.

2009년 8월 16일 일요일

i feel cool in reading class

I like to read fantasies like 'Harry Potter', 'The Clonicles of Narnia', or 'Moon Pricess: the Secret of the Moon Acer'. i like them because i watched Harry Potter for a long time and most of all i like magics, talking animals, and dawfs. i realy enjoy reading them.

i have a habit that i read book right before i sleep or in bed. if i find any words that i don't know i ask people first before i look up the dictionaries. (that's why me and my mom fight while i study). but i'm getting to fix my habits but not perfectly.

i like movies, but i think they shouldn't film the books, because if you read the book you know all the story and you won't be interested in the movie. on the other hand if you haven't read the book, you wouldn't get the whole story because it's only a part of it.

the books i have read

2009년 8월 12일 수요일









What are my current reading skills?
How can I improve and grow as a reader?
I can improve my reading skills in many ways. first of all, lot's of reading amount is the most importat method to me. I normaly don't read much books and I think that is the main reason that I'm not fast at reading. Second of all, I have to understand what I'm reading. Sometimes i jump over what I don't understand.

What purpose can literature serve in my life?
Literature can help me comunicate and express my opinions. Until now I've used Drawings to show people what I'm saying but it takes too many time to do it. In my Both English and Writing class, I'm learning how to express my idea in literature and its going to help me a lot.

What resources can I find in the library that will help me in this course and other courses?
Reliable Sources. Specialy High School Libery, they have non-fiction books, which is books that are facts. Also the books will help my reading abilities, as I metioned.